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Hyderabad's Only English Newsweekly

Get to Know Us

Deccan Post, Hyderabad's First and Only English News Weekly, was born in 2007, a time when the Telangana movement was gaining momentum. The then existing media landscape was dominated by Seemandhra and Andhra interests, and often presented a biased view of the Telangana movement. Deccan Post was founded to fill this void, providing an impartial account of the movement and advocating for the legitimate aspirations of Telangana's people.

Despite challenges and temptations to dilute its mission, Deccan Post stood steadfast in its commitment to truthful reporting. This commitment was evident in its coverage of the formation of Telangana, providing authentic information to the people and playing a pivotal role in the realization of their dream.

Today, Deccan Post is a beacon of unbiased journalism in a media landscape increasingly influenced by commercial interests. It remains unwavering in its mission to uphold values and justice, echoing the aspirations of the people and safeguarding democratic values.

Owned and published by: Ahobila Media Creations Pvt Ltd.
Hyderabad, Telangana State, India

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